UVviewsoft LogViewer is a viewer for text log files of unlimited size.
Features include:
- Fast scrolling, eats low memory
- Supports any file size (4Gb and bigger)
- Multitabbed interface
- Log auto-refreshing
- "Follow tail" mode
- Highlighting of lines matching a RegEx
- Support for lot of encodings: ANSI, OEM, UTF-8, Unicode LE/BE etc.
- File search (both forward and backward)
- File printing
- Line wrapping, configurable tab size and line spacing
- Line numbers (for log beginning)
- "Create filtered log" command
- Unicode filenames support
- and more.
Test log with highlighting
Options dialog
Colors & Filters dialog
The note about "Follow tail" mode:
it can be changed on per-tab basis. So you can enable "Follow tail" for
one file, and disable it for another.
This also can be said about the "Wrap" option.
The file highlighting feature currently supports 20 different colors.
Lines can be matched using RegEx, so you can use one color option
for seleral different words: you should specify "word1|word2|..." for this.
License: Freeware for home use, must be registered for work use.
Limitations of non-registered version: nag screen at start, maximum 2 opened tabs.
System requirements: Windows All
SharewarePros wrote:
Our testers have run LogViewer, reporting us that it includes the functions present
only in advanced log viewers, read the complete
LogViewer Editorial review.